I recently encountered a situation where the RMAN backup job was stuck. I ended the hung session as the database size was only four GB and it had been running for the last four hours. We made some changes to the RMAN command and ran the jobs again. It was completed in under an hour. “Kill Hung RMAN Session in Oracle“.
Table of Contents
Check running RMAN jobs
We are using the below query to get the details about running rman jobs.
set lines 300
col STATUS format a22
col hrs format 999.99
to_char(START_TIME,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi') start_time,
to_char(END_TIME,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi') end_time,
elapsed_seconds/3600 hrs
from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS order by session_key;
Find session details of all RMAN session
Using the below query we can get the details about all running rman sessions.
SQL> select b.sid, b.serial#, a.spid, b.client_info from v$process a, v$session b where a.addr=b.paddr and client_info like 'rman%';
Kill Hung RMAN Session
Use the above query details to kill rman jobs.
SQL>alter system kill session 'SID, SERIAL#' immediate;
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