RMAN Backup with Archivelog

RMAN Backup with Archivelog

In this post, we will learn how to take rman backup with archivelog step-by-step guide. What is backup database plus Archivelog? The backup database plus archivelog command will create a database backup with archivelogs using the RMAN utility. RMAN Backup with Archivelog Or you can use the below script for the same task. Output from … Read more

Oracle RMAN

introduction to rman

In this tutorial, I’ll be describing the RMAN (Recovery Manager), which we frequently use to backup and restore Oracle Databases. Backup and Restore are essential tasks for Oracle database administrators. “Introduction to Oracle RMAN” Introduction to Oracle RMAN Oracle RMAN Tool is available to help you manage the Backup & Restore operations. It comes with the … Read more

How to Restore Database until time

Restore Database until time

Hi, in this practice, we will restore database until a specific time in the past, or restore database until time. Restore Database until time RMAN restoration until time script. Step 1: Set environment For Windows: set ORACLE_SID=orcl For Linux/AIX: export ORACLE_SID=orcl Step 2. Start Database nomount Start your database till the nomount stage using pfile. … Read more